![]() | 性别:男 学位:博士 职称:研究员,硕导 系部:工程力学系 邮箱:rongxinzhou@hfut.edu.cn 主页:/ 方向:混凝土细观断裂力学与氯离子扩散,金属合金晶体塑性有限元与动态再结晶,先进计算力学方法与裂纹扩展 招生:欢迎具有力学、土木、机械,材料等工科背景的同学报考研究生,优秀者可推荐至海外知名学府攻读或者联合培养博士。 |
个人简介合肥工业大学“黄山学者优秀青年”,从事工程力学专业的教学与科研工作。2016年获得英国爱丁堡大学博士学位后,先后在英国杜伦大学、拉夫堡大学从事博士后研究工作,有长达十余年从事工程材料断裂失效计算模拟经验,在工程力学领域权威期刊发表SCI论文数十篇。作为主要参与人在中英两国都有申请和执行多项国家级研究项目的经验,包括国家自然科学基金重点研发项目和英国自然科学基金重点项目。 教育背景2005/09–2009/07,四川大学,工程力学,学士 2009/09–2012/03,上海交通大学,固体力学,硕士 2012/10–2016/11,英国爱丁堡大学,结构力学,博士 工作经历2017/01–2017/12,英国杜伦大学,工程学院,博士后 2018/01–2020/07,英国拉夫堡大学,机械与制造工程学院,博士后 2021/01–至 今,合肥工业大学,土木与水利工程学院,黄山学者优秀青年 | |
科研项目[1] 合肥工业大学“黄山学者优秀青年”人才引进启动基金,2021/01-2026/01,主持 [2] 英国自然科学基金重点研发项目,航空材料超声激光混合加工变形机理研究,EP/P027555/1,2017/09-2021/09,参与 [3] 英国自然科学青年基金项目,物质点法在高铁枕轨裂纹扩展中的应用,EP/M017494/1,2015/05-2017/12,参与 [4] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,材料构型力理论与实验研究,10932007,2010/01-2013/12,参与 [5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,裂纹尖端塑性区对金属材料疲劳行为的影响,11172170,2011/01-2015/12,参与 获得奖励代表成果[1] Zhou, R., et al. (2011) Crack deflection and interface debonding in composite materials elucidated by the configuration force theory.Composites. Part B, Engineering, Volume 42, Issue 7 pp. 1999-2003. [2] Zhou, R., et al. (2012) The shielding effect of the plastic zone at mode-II crack tip.International Journal of Fracture, Volume 171, Issue 2 pp. 195-2000. [3] Zhou, R., et al. (2017) 3D mesoscale finite element modelling of concrete, Computers & StructuresVolume 192, Issue 2 96-113 [4] Zhou, R., et al. (2018) A mesoscale interface approach to modelling fractures in concrete for material investigation, Construction and Building MaterialsVolume 165, 608-620 [5] Zhou, R. & Chen H-M. (2019) Mesoscopic investigation of size effect in notched concrete beams: The role of fracture process zone. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 212, 136-152 [6] Zhou, R., Roy A., Silberschmidt, V. (2019) A crystal-plasticity model of extruded AM30 magnesium alloy. Computational Materials Science. 170, 109140 [7] Zhou, R, Pang, K, Bisht, A, Roy, A, Suwas, S, Silberschmidt, V. (2019) Modelling strain localization in Ti-6Al-4V at high loading rate: A phenomenological approach, Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences [8] Li, X., Chen, H., Yang, W. and Zhou, R. (2016) Study on the mechanical model of splitting failure of surrounding rock of underground cavern based on energy and thin plate theory. Geomechanics and Engineering [9] Zhou, R., et al. (2020) Mesoscale modelling of concrete under high strain rate tension with a rate-dependent cohesive interface approach,International Journal of Impact Engineering Volume 139, 1-15 [10] Pang, K.H., Zhou, R. and Roy A. (2020) Deformation characteristics in micromachining of single crystal 6H-SiC: Insight into slip systems activation. Journal of Mechanics 1-9. doi:10.1017/jmech.2019.63 [11] Bisht, A., Kumar, S., Pang, K., Zhou, R., Roy, A., Silberschmidt, V., & Suwas, S. (n.d.). Shear band widening mechanism in Ti–6Al–4V under high strain rate deformation. Journal of Materials Research, 1-12. [12] Chen, H., Zhou, R. and Ulianov, C. (2020) Numerical prediction and corresponding circular economy approaches for resource optimisation and recovery of underground structures, Urban Rail Transit [13] Zhou, R., Lu, Y.; Wang, L-G.; Chen, H-M, Mesoscale modelling of size effect on the evolution of fracture process zone in concrete. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2021.03.15, 245: 107559 [14] Zhou, R., & Lu, Y. (2014) Numerical simulation of size effect in concrete beams. Infrastructure and Environment Scotland 2nd Postgraduate Conference, 2nd September Edinburgh, UK [15] Zhou, R. & Lu, Y. (2015) 3D Mesoscale analysis of strain rate effects in concrete under compression. The First International Conference on Structural Safety under Fire & Blast, 2-4 September, Glasgow, UK |
联系方式 学院地址:合肥市屯溪路193号 联系电话:0551-62902066 院长信箱:civil@hfut.edu.cn